HJJCC General Membership Meeting and Elections

Aloha Members!
We hope you and your families are healthy and well. While we've had to cancel some of our HJJCC events over the past couple of months, we are hopeful that we'll all be able to connect soon. Please save the date for the Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting and elections for the 2020-2021 Board of Directors! We will provide more details in the coming weeks about the meeting location and/or the option to join us virtually. 

Date: Friday June 12, 2020

Time: Registration opens 5:30 pm

Elections to start promptly at 6:15 pm

Location: TBD

Cost: HJJCC Members ONLY - $15 for HJJCC Members

To RSVP, please email Kim at membership@hjjcc.com by Sunday, May 31. 

We will be electing our new board members, welcoming new members, and going over updates and upcoming events.

The format for the election will be as follows:
There will be four (4) separate ballots:

1. Executive Vice President
2. Vice President Community Development, Vice President International Relations, Vice President Management Development, and Vice President Membership Development
3. Secretary and Treasurer
4. Directors at Large (8)

Voting is by secret ballot and voting by proxy is not allowed. A nomination committee has been appointed and nominees for the positions above will be announced shortly along with the details of the Election meeting.

In addition to candidates that are selected by the nomination committee, candidates may also be nominated via petition. Nomination may be made by petition bearing the signatures of at least ten (10) regular members. The petition shall be filed with the Secretary (info@hjjcc.com) no later than one (1) week before the election meeting.

Lastly, nominations can also be made from the floor. A list of nominees will be forthcoming.